Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
PaaS or Play? Cloud’s Next Move

Federal IT is fundamentally broken. GAO tells us Uncle Sam spends 70 percent, or US$56 billion, of the IT budget on legacy systems.* How do we euthanize yesterday’s IT and consolidate for tomorrow when there’s no money for new development? Agencies turn toward Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). Hosting new application development in the cloud gives agencies the opportunity to develop, experiment, innovate, and test for less time and money.

MeriTalk’s recent study, “PaaS or Play? Cloud’s Next Move,” examines PaaS’ current state of play within the Federal government. Download the report to find out:

  • How PaaS advances big-five missions
  • Who’s using PaaS today and what they’ve learned
  • How much time and money agencies can save

*Government Accountability Office. (2012). Agencies need to strengthen oversight of billions of dollars in operations and maintenance investments (GAO Publication No. 13-87). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.

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