On March 30, 2016, MeriTalk held its third FITARA Forum, co-located with the fifth annual Data Center Exchange Brainstorm at the Newseum in D.C. The event gathered more than 300 data center and FITARA thought leaders – industry and Federal alike – for a packed day of discussion and revelation.
Event Abstract:
Born in December 2014, FITARA’s in its terrible twos – that’s when you cut your first teeth and typically throw tantrums. Is the CIO empowerment act a treasure or terror? The Hill scolded CIOs with its first scorecard. Some CIOs have walked off the job while others have frozen IT acquisitions agency wide. Data Center Consolidation is central in FITARA – how are agencies doing in rightsizing their digital footprints? What does OMB’s data center consolidation guidance look like? When will OMB release the common baseline implementation plans agencies submitted in December of 2015? How are we shaping up for the second round of agency self assessments due on April 30, 2016?