
MeriTalk, a publication of 300Brand Inc., is a daily online news publication covering Federal information technology programs, policies, and workforce developments. We reach 160,000 subscribers across the government and private sector. Our readers are senior technology officials, members of Congress, and private sector innovators who chart the future course of Federal technology initiatives.

Editorial goals include:

  • Publish up-to-date news and trend analysis about how government agencies are leveraging the latest information technologies to improve their operations
  • Educate Federal agency leaders and information technology professionals about the experiences, problems, and challenges that others have faced in government in an effort to share lessons learned and best practices
  • Help industry readers better understand the challenges Federal agencies face
  • Shine light on recent areas of Federal technology policy that are complex and not very well understood

Guest Contribution Guidelines

MeriTalk does not provide remuneration for unsolicited guest articles.

We publish guest opinions, editorials, and feature news stories. Submissions that have appeared in other publications or websites, or are copyrighted, cannot be published as original material in MeriTalk.

We prefer to receive a brief query outlining your column/article proposal prior to receiving your completed piece. Please include the topic, your approach to the subject matter, potential interviews you plan to include, and a brief statement about your qualifications to write such a piece.

Opinion pieces and editorials should be no longer than 600 words. News/feature stories should between 750 words and 1,000 words. Explanations about technology and policy should be featured at the top of the piece. It is acceptable to briefly mention how your company addresses the topic at the end of the piece. Overtly promotional material will not be accepted.

To publish your piece, we will need:

  • Completed article in Microsoft Word format
  • Full name, title, and short bio of author
  • Author headshot
  • Supporting art/photographs that you have rights to, or suggestions

Before your piece is published in MeriTalk, we will:

  • Edit your article for spelling, consistency, length, and AP style
  • Fact-check all names, titles, dates, and facts presented in your original draft
  • Send an edited draft back to the author for final review prior to publication

Once a piece is published, MeriTalk holds all rights for publication and reprint rights.
