Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy



Dell Technologies’ 5G-connected, Zero Trust-protected Mobile Operations Center

MeriTalk sat down with Dell Industry Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for Government, Herb Kelsey, to get the rundown on how Project Fort Zero came to be, the importance of collaboration when working on a global zero trust solution, and how industry is inviting the project with open arms. […]

Angry @ Arthritis

Angry@Arthritis, the recently launched nonprofit that is seeking cures for OsteoArthritis (OA), in partnership with the Arthritis Foundation kicked off its first “Shark Tank” session on Capitol Hill today to present the science behind the promising cures in the pipeline, and issued a call for more Federal government action to find cures more quickly. […]

On today’s episode of MeriTalking, MeriTalk’s John Curran speaks with Al Ford, Federal AI Alliances Manager at Dell Technologies, about Federal AI readiness and challenges. Ford shares ideas on the most helpful steps from a technology, infrastructure, and workforce perspective. […]

Air Force

Like other military services and Department of Defense components, the Air Force is finding itself overloaded these days with streaming intelligence data, and is looking to machine learning and artificial intelligence to help its analysts quickly put all that information to practical use. […]

With the deadline looming for Federal agencies to submit final implementation plans for FITARA, the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act, it’s a good time to look back at the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee’s scorecard, released in November. With no As in sight, what does success look like? […]

The 34-page Protected Health Information (PHI) Data Breach Report analyzed 392 million security incidents and 1,931 data breaches, including breaches at the Department of Health and Human Services and a “significant number of records” from the Department of Veterans Affairs. […]
