Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Robin Tiberio


Robin Tiberio is a Staff Writer for MeriTalk covering Health IT.
CCX Meeting

Today, just 13 percent of Feds say they can deploy new systems as quickly as required. And, it’s no secret agencies are being pushed to make the move to cloud – whether it’s data center consolidation initiatives, flexible performance to meet constituents’ on-demand requests,  simply the desire to increase overall IT efficiency, or the demands of the current regulatory environment. So where do agencies start as they evaluate their cloud options?  Enter the Great Cloud Debate. […]

CCX Meeting

To score a home run, you have to cover all the bases. But getting from start to finish is harder than it looks. For Federal agencies, hitting IT out of the park is even more difficult due to budget constraints, lengthy procurement processes, and staffing difficulties. And, as agencies continue to spend 79 percent of IT budgets – or $62 billion annually – on legacy systems, the window for innovation decreases every day. So how can agencies stay ahead of the curve? […]

CCX Meeting

The pressure is on for agencies to make the move to cloud – just 13 percent of Feds say they can deploy new systems as fast as required. However, agencies know cloud is here to stay.  When it comes down to it, Feds are optimistic – 70 percent say increasing their cloud adoption pace will improve IT’s ability to innovate. That said, flying through the cloud procurement process is no easy feat. Making the cloud move is proving to be more complex than expected – but with the right planning and strategic moves, Feds can ensure they undergo a surprise-free move. […]

CCX Meeting

How do agencies tackle cloud adoption? Everyone has a different story but the challenges are similar across state and local government.   Learn how other states are navigating the challenges of modernizing IT and how these organizations have found success in adopting the cloud. […]

As agencies navigate cloud, they continue to leverage and build upon lessons learned. And, it seems to be working: According to a recent MeriTalk study, 75% of Federal cloud decision-makers say their workforce is somewhat or very comfortable with moving its systems to the cloud.

But, how did they get there and what’s really the first step of a successful migration? Knowing your IT environment is important – but even more essential is ensuring you have a cloud-ready workforce. […]

Federal IT executives are focused on the future.  And, as agencies consider modernization strategies and options, most agree that cloud will be a foundational component.   While cloud conversations have been ongoing for many years, widespread use of cloud models remains a challenge.  There is still confusion about choices, migration paths, and which cloud offerings are available for different types of workload.  Fortunately, the burgeoning relationship between government and industry partners helps agencies cut through this cloud confusion. […]

Under tight budget restrictions and capital expenditure scrutiny, government agencies are finding it difficult to keep pace with mandates to modernize technology infrastructure. Technology Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offers a direct path to IT modernization, efficiency and control. This white paper details the driving forces behind the shift to IaaS as well as the benefits of moving to a consumption economics model for IT. It also details best practices, specific strategies and the five (5) key principles in contracting for IaaS as well as a glossary of IaaS related terms, so that government agencies can efficiently and effectively utilize what is fast becoming the preferred, proven method of contracting for and implementing IT capacity. […]

As cloud adoption matures across government, many agencies are realizing that this new IT model is much more than a technology decision. It’s a business decision that has had significant impacts on the way agencies buy, manage and deliver IT capabilities internally and to citizens. The challenge, however, is mapping the best path forward to move from legacy operations to a future state that supports faster, more reliable applications that power financial, workforce, security and other operations governmentwide. There is not a one-size-fits-all approach for moving every IT application to the cloud. […]

Whether it’s the impression that everyone already has a cloud or very real Federal technology mandates, many organizations are feeling intense pressure to “Buy a cloud.” But do you really want to buy a cloud? It’s more likely that you want to solve a very real business problem, stretch your budget or resources, or enable new capabilities within your organization. In this eBook, we’ll explain why buying a cloud shouldn’t be an end-goal in and of itself. […]

With growing data, shrinking budgets, and a goal to close 52% of all data centers by 2018, Feds are turning to cloud, “as-a-Service,” and OpEx vs. CapEx dollars. Agencies can “buy what they use” vs. “buy what they forecast,” improving cost control, asset management, and capacity planning across the enterprise. […]

Robin Tiberio