Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

For speaker suggestions, please contact David Hantman.


The first Hill FITARA Score card provided a lot of Fs, no As, and only a couple of Bs. GAO will provide insight on last year’s scorecard and talk about plans for the 2016 edition. How does the Hill evaluate agencies, what can agencies do to improve their scores – in 2016 and 2017 – and what’s ahead? […]

Director, Strategic Engagement and Partnerships
Formerly Director of IT Issues, Government Accountability Office
The MITRE Corporation
Michelle Bacon [invited]
Policy Analyst
Office of Management and Budget
Sean Casey [invited]
Policy Advisor
Office of Management and Budget
Malissa Levesque [invited]
Policy Analyst
Office of Management and Budget

FITARA is the first step in driving better IT infrastructure across the Federal government. While CIOs address the challenges their increased authority present, industry partners tackle the changes needed in their collaborative efforts to provide agencies better tools and better service. […]

David Hantman [moderator]
General Manager
Executive Director, Business Development Federal Sales, Strategic Programs
Dell Technologies
Federal Chief Technology Officer
Pure Storage

By the end of 2015, Federal data centers grew to a whopping 11,700 – up from 9,000 in 2014. Yes, UP. New guidance for agencies on how to refresh their consolidation and optimization efforts is pending from OMB, but early indicators suggest it will focus around rationalizing guidance, increasing accountability to targets, and leveraging shared services. […]

Walker White [moderator]
Chief of IT Systems
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, & Explosives
Associate Chief Information Officer
Enterprise Data Center Operations
Department of Agriculture
Joyce Hunter
Executive Director, Collaboration and Education
Mission Critical
Policy and Planning Staff
Department of Justice
Director of Strategy and Compliance
Tech Data Government Solutions
Acting Executive Director of FITARA
Department of Agriculture
Joyce Hunter
Executive Director, Collaboration and Education
Mission Critical

FITARA looks to Federal CIOs to expand their expertise on the mission of their agencies. This shift away from mandates focused predominately on technology priorities – along with IT modernization, Cyber Security, and increasing pressure to gain efficiency – has created a chasm between mission owners and operators. How do Federal CIOs make it to the other side of the growing chasm? […]

Jeffrey Hogarth [moderator]
Senior Sales Director
Federal Civilian Business Unit
Acting Executive Director
Office of IT Strategy, Policy, and Governance
Department of Health and Human Services
Deputy Assistant Commissioner and Deputy Chief Information Officer
U. S. Customs and Border Protection
Senior Advisor
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources
Department of Health and Human Services
Chief Product Officer / Executive Director for the Office of Enterprise Application Development
Office of the CIO
Department of Health and Human Services
Event Details
Knight Conference Center at the Newseum
555 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C.
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