Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
IBM Cloud Smart

Government is getting cloud smart. We know that cloud platforms are driving digital transformation and modernization across agencies. But they’re also allowing government to rethink how it delivers services, mission requirements, and innovation.

Join MeriTalk and IBM for a half-day program featuring Kshemendra Paul, CIO’s Cloud Action Officer, DHS; Brian Griffith, Section Chief of the Information Technology Management Section, FBI; and Sanjay Koyani, Executive Director for Innovation, HHS; to learn how to utilize the right cloud technologies and accelerate your agency’s cloud journey. Attendees will also have the opportunity to network with peers and engage with hands-on demos, including: AI Assistant for Government, Watson Studio and Machine Learning, Cloud Blockchain Platform, Watson Compare and Comply, Open Scale, and Drone Imaging Analysis.

Event Details
Knight Conference Center at the Newseum
555 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20001
CPE Credits
Attendees are eligible to receive three continuing professional education (CPE) credits. No advance preparation is required. View CPE details.
Chelsea Portuese at (703) 883-9000 ext. 161 or