Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
Symantec Roundtable

The impact that cyber vulnerabilities and threats have on the business of government has become priority number one for government IT leaders. From the Hill to agencies – even to the political campaigns – getting an upper hand in the cyber battlefield is a strong focus. Cyber threat intelligence is one piece of the solution. But is government using cyber threat intelligence effectively? And how can agencies transform the data they collect into timely intelligence that helps them protect infrastructure, information, and identities? Most importantly, what guidance is needed to increase the flow of the right information into the right hands?

Join MeriTalk for an off-the-record, government only, complimentary executive breakfast to discuss how agencies can use actionable intelligence to fight cyber threats. To RSVP, please contact Allison Grondine at or call (703) 883-9000 ext. 102.

Event Details
Metro Center One
700 13th St NW, Suite 1150
Washington, DC 20005
Please contact Allison Grondine at or call (703) 883-9000 ext. 102 with any questions.