My Cup of IT: MeriTalk and MeriTocracy?

Is it a noun or a verb? What the heck is a MeriTalk and why were you so dumb to call your publication that? Why not put Fed or Gov in the name – like every title?
Good questions.
So here goes. We gave our publication a different name, because we wanted to stand aside from the other titles – to challenge the status quo in relationships, content, and format. To talk about the outcomes of tech, not just the tech itself.
MeriTalk is named for the notion of MerITocracy – it’s a noun – meaning “government or the holding of power by people selected on the basis of their ability”. MeriTalk is about spotlighting how IT can deliver a society where all citizens have equal access – and those citizens rise based on their abilities. You see, tech can be the great emancipator and give everybody a fair shake. It can provide new transparency and accountability – and take aim at corruption. It should not be used to suppress or perpetuate fake news. Let’s put our tech on the right path for every American.
With the new Biden-Harris administration that’s America’s goal. So, MeriTalk on, dude.