Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

My Cup of IT – Vote for America, First

elections, voting, election security, midterms

I’m a foreigner who’s proud of my heritage – and I’m an American patriot ready to stand up for this great country’s principles.

Feeling shipwrecked by politics and pandemic? This has been a year where too many of us have felt separated – now’s the time to come together and celebrate our American democracy. Whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat your voice must be heard – and your ballot counted. Vote is not a four-letter word. Do it early in person, early by mail, or day of (with protection) – but please do it.

I came to this county for opportunity – and I stayed based on the welcome and the sunshine. Please vote in the election, and respect the votes of others when they’re tallied.

Sometimes it takes a community to get to the truth – a word from somebody you know and trust. That’s why I’m speaking up now.

I know you’re a patriot – America’s depending on you. Let’s put America first – and vote.

Steve O'Keeffe
About Steve O'Keeffe
The most connected executive in the government technology community – O'Keeffe is an accomplished entrepreneur and tech-policy expert, with 30 years’ experience as an innovator at the crossroads of government and industry. He founded MeriTalk, O'Keeffe & Company, 300Brand, among other entities. O'Keeffe is a fixture on the Hill, in both the House and Senate, testifying on IT, budget, government workforce, and the requirement to modernize government IT to enhance outcomes for the American people and government employees. He is a champion for change, simplification, transparency, and clear communication of IT value without jargon. A committed philanthropist, O'Keeffe has served for 15 years on the USO-Metro Board of Directors – Vice Chairman of the Board and Chair of the Annual Awards Dinner. He started his career as a journalist – O'Keeffe has contributed to The Economist, Government Executive, Signal Magazine, The Washington Post, and, of course, MeriTalk.