My Cup of IT – Vote for America, First

I’m a foreigner who’s proud of my heritage – and I’m an American patriot ready to stand up for this great country’s principles.
Feeling shipwrecked by politics and pandemic? This has been a year where too many of us have felt separated – now’s the time to come together and celebrate our American democracy. Whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat your voice must be heard – and your ballot counted. Vote is not a four-letter word. Do it early in person, early by mail, or day of (with protection) – but please do it.
I came to this county for opportunity – and I stayed based on the welcome and the sunshine. Please vote in the election, and respect the votes of others when they’re tallied.
Sometimes it takes a community to get to the truth – a word from somebody you know and trust. That’s why I’m speaking up now.
I know you’re a patriot – America’s depending on you. Let’s put America first – and vote.