Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Price Shopping Federal Cloud

Money talks – and BS walks. We’re about to separate the men from the boys in Federal cloud. Yes, we’re rolling into busy season – when agencies use it or lose it. Will Feds drop cash on cloud or binge on boxes as usual? The answer floats on procurements’ ability to make sense of cloud pricing – and craft cloud RFQs. That’s why we developed the Gov Cloud Shopper. It’s free to use. It provides point-and-click access to pricing from FedRAMP Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) – AWS, CenturyLink, IBM, Microsoft Azure, and VMware. We use our algorithm to allow you to break CSPs out by price point and line them up based on common specs.

Let’s Go Shopping:
For example, how much will CSPs charge per year to host a medium-sized development and production website with 5,000 pages and 50,000 page views per day? Time to part the clouds – here you go:

AWS – $41,343.84
Azure – $44,868.96
CenturyLink – $31,180.03
IBM – $42,441.96
VMware – $38,220.14

To be clear, the pricing in the estimator tool comes directly from the publicly available price lists of the respective CSPs. We have reached out to all FedRAMP-compliant CSPs requesting pricing information. We have pricing for five CSPs. A series of others are in the process of providing their price catalogues. This is an open invitation for all CSPs to participate and provide feedback.

More detail here. Why can’t you see prices from other FedRAMP’d CSPs? How can you buy their solutions if you can’t understand the pricing? Good questions. As I mentioned, we’re working with a series of additional CSPs to add their pricing. Watch this space.

How Does the Shopper Work?

Another good question – you can go check out the Shopper yourself. But, if you want a guided tour, we’re hosting a free webinar on Wednesday, September 16 at 1 p.m. EDT with Maria Roat, CTO at Department of Transportation. Register today – space online is limited.

Here’s the 411 on the Webinar:

Want a readahead on the webinar? The Gov Cloud Shopper does much more than rack and stack FedRAMP CSPs by price.

Okay, so you’re interested in buying cloud at Federal year end, but you’re confused about your options – how much do clouds cost, what do you get for your money, and how do you get a quote from a GWAC? Join this free webinar to get a look under the hood at vendors’ cloud pricing. Learn how to easily generate and submit a cloud RFQ. Get a handle on how to easily change your specs to see the impact on what you pay. Three steps to cloud procurement heaven:

1. Get an Inclusive Estimate: It seems every vendor is offering cloud services – how do you work out which ones have enough FedRAMP so you don’t make the wrong choice? Now, let’s get real, what’s the real cost of establishing a cloud service – not just the cloud service cost – but also the one-time set up and ongoing professional services cost?

You’d like to stack up FedRAMP-compliant CSPs against one another – you want a price/value run off for your business.

Welcome to the Gov Cloud Shopper. MeriTalk developed the Shopper in collaboration with DHS, GSA, and Interior. This easy-to-use tool allows you to search FedRAMP-compliant CSPs to understand your total cloud cost – and also to see how the vendors’ price points stack up. The Shopper engine puts you in the driver’s seat.

To restate, the pricing in the estimator tool comes directly from the publicly available price lists of the respective CSPs. We have reached out to all FedRAMP-compliant CSPs requesting pricing information. We have pricing for five CSPs. A series of others are in the process of providing their price catalogue. This is an open invitation for all CSPs to participate and provide feedback.

2. Generate an RFQ to Get GWAC Bids: And, armed with the Shopper’s estimates, you can proceed to use the Requirements Designer to build your RFQ – and submit it to a GWAC for a bid. We’ll connect you with NASA, GSA, DHS, and other GWAC offices. When you submit your RFQ, you get a copy of your specs sent to your email as well as the GWAC office. But why not have the GWACs compete for your business? Yes, you can submit the same RFQ to multiple GWACs to see who gives you the best deal.

3. Change Your Specs to See Impact on Price: Here’s the final twist. The Shopper’s Requirements Designer allows you to submit multiple RFQs, so you can change your specs and see how that changes your price. What’s the difference between a 99 percent uptime SLA and a 99.99 percent uptime SLA? The Gov Cloud Shopper’s easy to use – it bridges between IT and procurement.

Register for the webinar today. The MeriTalk Gov Cloud Shopper brings the cloud down to earth. Do you want more transparency in FedRAMP cloud pricing – and help shopping for cloud solutions?

Steve O'Keeffe
About Steve O'Keeffe
The most connected executive in the government technology community – O'Keeffe is an accomplished entrepreneur and tech-policy expert, with 30 years’ experience as an innovator at the crossroads of government and industry. He founded MeriTalk, O'Keeffe & Company, 300Brand, among other entities. O'Keeffe is a fixture on the Hill, in both the House and Senate, testifying on IT, budget, government workforce, and the requirement to modernize government IT to enhance outcomes for the American people and government employees. He is a champion for change, simplification, transparency, and clear communication of IT value without jargon. A committed philanthropist, O'Keeffe has served for 15 years on the USO-Metro Board of Directors – Vice Chairman of the Board and Chair of the Annual Awards Dinner. He started his career as a journalist – O'Keeffe has contributed to The Economist, Government Executive, Signal Magazine, The Washington Post, and, of course, MeriTalk.