Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Eric Simmon

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Eric Simmon is a senior scientist in the Electronic Information Group (EIG) at the National Institute of Standards of Technology. He graduated magna cum laude from Worcester, Polytechnic Institute (Worcester, MA) with an electrical engineering degree in 1989. That same year he joined the National Institute of Standards and Technology to work on precision measurements for high voltage and high current. In 2003 he joined the EIG working on using systems modeling to improve the standards development process.

He leads the NIST cloud computing SLA and metrics effort, is chair of the NIST Cloud Computing Services Public Working Group and is project editor for the ISO/IEC 19086-2 “Service Level Agreement (SLA) framework and terminology – Metrics” draft standard.

In addition to cloud computing Mr. Simmon is leading NIST efforts on cyber-physical cloud computing and is working on CPS/IoT architecture, composition, and interoperability.

Eric Simmon
Eric Simmon
Senior Scientist, Electronic Information Group; Chair
Cloud Computing Services Public Working Group
National Institute of Standards and Technology