Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Jason Howe

U.S. Air Force

Mr. Howe is the AF/A1 Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Chief Cloud Architect in the A1 CIO Support Division, Plans and Integration Directorate, Manpower, Personnel and Services, Headquarters Air Force, in the Pentagon.  In this capacity, he is responsible for developing strategies and policies related to the Talent Management (TM) domain IT infrastructure, including data centers, and common IT enterprise services available to all TM systems.  He provides senior technical guidance to the A1 staff and routinely represents A1X at IT-related meetings.  His efforts directly affect over 100 IT systems providing capabilities to over 1M users, inside and outside the AF.  Mr. Howe’s innovative approach to meeting functional requirements enables the TM domain to rapidly implement new technology and services encompassing all aspects if Communications and IT.  And, his Cyber security expertise ensures current and new systems and technology are safe for users and leadership.

Prior to this assignment, he served as a strategic analyst, and acting Chief Technology Officer (CTO) in the Headquarters Air Combat Command Communications and Information Directorate, ACC/A6T.  As a technical expert, he provided strategic analysis encompassing all aspects of IT, Communications, and Command and Control, including strategic oversight of all A6 requirements and initiatives. He provided innovative ideas and solutions, closely tracking industry direction, basic research, and developing science to integrate new products with existing systems.  Prior to that position, he served as the Chief, CIO Support Branch in the U.S. Air Forces Europe (USAFE) Directorate of Communications and Information providing senior technical guidance, technology insertion, business process improvement, and portfolio management affecting more than 30,000 active-duty military and civilian members supporting 2 Combatant Commands.  Mr. Howe also served as the Air Force Smart Operations 21st Century lead for USAFE A6 and, temporarily, in direct support of Commander, USAFE.

Mr. Howe has held various MAJCOM headquarters, center, commercial, and active-duty assignments across a variety of functional areas including asset management, knowledge operations, IT acquisitions, storage networking, electronics maintenance, radar operations, and medical support.  In these capacities, he has developed systems architectures in support of multimillion-dollar acquisitions as a Level 3 DAU certified specialist, managed billion-dollar storage production facilities, developed numerous IT and CIO policies, and stood up a new IT facility partnering with AF Research Laboratory.

Jason Howe
A1 CTO and Chief Cloud Architect
U.S. Air Force