Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Jennifer Hoover


Ms. Jennifer Hoover is an emerging leader and DevOps project manager for the Office of Information Technology (OIT) at Transportation Security Administration (TSA). After spending time raising her family, Jennifer chose to return to the workforce by dedicating herself to civil service within the federal government.  Beginning her federal career in program support, Ms. Hoover shifted into project management and became the project manager for the standardized CBP development environment. She successfully led, planned and executed two CBP Hackathons.  Additionally, Jennifer is the co-chair of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) DevOps Integrated Project Team (IPT), which focuses on agency collaboration and development standardization.  Ms. Hoover is passionate about Agile and DevOps, working in technology as well as mentoring other women entering this specialized area.  Ms. Hoover holds a Master’s in Business Administration and a Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational Management.

jenn hoover
Jennifer Hoover
DevOps Program Manager