Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Jim Jasinski


Jim joined Fortinet in October 2014. His career began as a practicing attorney in New York State before joining the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as a Special Agent. He enjoyed a variety of responsibilities during his FBI career. These included criminal and intelligence investigations, litigation support, and more than a decade as the Bureau’s Chief Contracting Officer overseeing all covert and overt procurements. His FBI career ended as the Program Manager responsible for the development and implementation of the FBI’s automated fingerprint identification system, a $1 billion Presidential Priority Program. He retired as a member of the Senior Executive Service in December 2000.

Upon leaving the Bureau, Jim became a Vice President for DynCorp, Civil Systems for two years. He then worked 10 years as Executive Vice President for Cogent Systems, a major biometrics company with customers in over 60 countries. One of their major customers was the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), for whom Cogent provided the fingerprint matching technology supporting their U.S. VISIT. After 3M acquired Cogent, he joined Digital Signal Corporation as a Senior Vice President, his last position before joining Fortinet.

Jim Jasinski
Vice President
Federal Business Development and Supply Chain