Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Larry Gillick

Department of the Interior

Larry Gillick is Deputy Director for Digital Strategy at the U.S. Department of the Interior.

Larry’s office sets standards for web and social media across his agency and its constituent bureaus and offices. He established a common, cloud-based platform for Web hosting — plus easy-to-use, flexible support contracts. He has done much of the negotiation with social media services for federal-friendly terms of service, managed video production for the Secretary’s office (including establishing a widely used business model for live webcasting), and has run one of his agency’s successful social media presences.

An Army veteran with experience leading media teams widely spread by geography, Larry now acts as a prime point of contact for agency-level web efforts. He advises other agencies on web and social media issues and was invited to the DrupalCon GovSummits in both New Orleans and Nashville.

A content-creator by training (screenplays, short films, multi-media productions, websites), Larry has worked in military and civilian news, taught digital media at three universities, co-authored Gannett’s training for digital journalists, and was co-creator of North Carolina’s first fully accredited 100% distance learning bachelor’s degree in communication.

Larry has an MA from Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communication and is ABT on an MFA in Digital Cinema.

Larry Gillick
Deputy Director for Digital Strategy
Department of the Interior