Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Manny De Vera

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Current Responsibilities:  Currently assigned as Chief, Service Delivery Center, Manny De Vera is responsible for FEMA’s Telecommunications and iFEMA Program, Circuit Provisioning, Applications Management and Production Environment, Email, Managed Services, Operations and Maintenance Contracts, and the SLA Project Management Team within IT-Operations. In May 2009, Manny led a successful FEMA-wide transition of telecom carriers in six months and was previously the Program Manager, Agile Systems, Information Technology Services Division (ITSD). Manny was part of a team that was recently recognized by the Department of Homeland Security for efficiency that saved FEMA approximately $3 million in Telecom provisioning for the first six (6) months of FY11.

He is a certified Project Management Professionaland certified ITIL Foundation resource.

At GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service, he served as Director, Office of Professional Services, and Center for Service Delivery and Project Management. He previously served as Deputy Assistant Commissioner for Service Development. He was responsible for the development for products and services for the Federal Technology Service that include Telecommunications, IT Solutions, and e-Business. He also served as the Director, IT Solutions Regional Services Center of FTS where was responsible for the information technology solutions business line for the 11 FTS regions that provide goods and services to all Federal agencies throughout the country. In 1999, the Regional IT Solutions Program provided approximately $2.4 billion of products and services to Federal agencies. He created the Millennia Lite Program that is a government-wide award-term contract and the Buyers.Gov initiative on volume purchasing and reverse auctioning.

Work History: Manny De Vera came to the Federal Technology Service, GSA from NIH where he was the Director, NIH Information Technology Acquisition and Assessment Center (NITAAC) and Program Director for major initiatives at the National Institutes of Health Office of Information Resources Management (OIRM). He created the portfolio of NIH contracts that included the Electronic Computer Store Program, the Chief Information Officers Solutions and Partners (CIOSP) and ImageWorld. These programs have provided over $2.5 billion of information technology goods and services to Federal agencies.

During his 21 years in the U. S. Army, he held numerous command and staff positions. His specialties include personnel management, information technology, and the major systems acquisition. He served as Division Chief, Deputy Division Chief, and Acquisition Manager at the U.S. Army Information Systems Selection and Acquisition Agency (ISSAA). He attained the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and is a graduate of the Army’s Command and General Staff College.

Key Accomplishments:  He is a leader in e-business technologies by pioneering the conduct of procurements electronically and required the placement of electronic catalogues and contracts on the internet. In 1998, he has served on the Inter-Agency Buying and Buying Task Force that submitted a Strategic Plan and recommendations to Congress on Electronic Commerce. Concurrently, he served on the Federal Architecture Inter-Agency Working Group where he helped author and create the Conceptual Framework Model approved by the Federal CIO Council.

Awards and Recognition:  Manny has received the Army’s Legion of Merit, Meritorious Service Medal, and Army Commendation Medals. He was recognized as a Federal Computer Week Fed 100 winner in 1995, 1996, and 2000 for his contributions to information technology. His NIH Information Technology Acquisition and Assessment Center (NITAAC) received an award for excellence from the Department of Health and Human Services.

Professional and Managerial Skills:  Information technology doer, manager, and dreamer. Favorite Quote is: “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan ‘press on’ has solved, and always will solve, the problems of the human race.”

M.B.A.       Long Island University          1976

M. Ed.       Boston University                   1974

B.S.           University of Wisconsin        1970

Additional Information:  Emmanuel (Manny) De Vera has been teaching Information Technology Acquisitions, Project Management, and Capital Planning for over 12 years at the USDA Graduate School. In 2007, he was recognized with a distinguished Faculty Excellence Award. He has made presentations at the Industry Advisory Council Conference, Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) and numerous other conferences 1995-2005.  He is 2002 graduate of the Federal Executive Institute.

Manny De Vera
Chief, Service Delivery Center
Office of the Chief Information Officer
Federal Emergency Management Agency