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Mark Reger

Office of Management and Budget

Effective October 5, 2014, Mark Reger was designated the Deputy Controller of the United States. Mr. Reger was detailed to OMB from the US Treasury Department to serve as the Interim Controller on March 17, 2014, and then assumed the Deputy Controller duties in October. Since March, Mark has been responsible for coordinating OMB’s efforts to initiate government-wide improvements in all areas of financial management, including financial reporting, internal controls, grants management, financial systems, improper payments, and real property management. He also serves as the OMB representative on the FASAB.

Mr. Reger was the Deputy Assistant Secretary Accounting Policy, Office of the Fiscal Assistant Secretary, Department of the Treasury prior to moving to OMB. As such, he had oversight responsibility for the consolidation and publishing of the Financial Report of the U.S. Government and the new Office of Financial Innovation and Transformation. Mark was the Treasury Department’s representative on FASAB.

Prior to joining the Office of the Fiscal Assistant Secretary, Mr. Reger served as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM) from 2007 through May 2010. As CFO, he led OPM’s financial management operations including accounting, payroll processing, budget, financial policy, financial systems, strategic planning and coordination, performance and evaluation, internal control activities and OPM’s President’s Management Agenda program. Prior to joining OPM, Mr. Reger held leadership positions in federal, state and local government. He served as the CFO of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Chairman of the Small Agency Council Finance Committee. At FCC, he was responsible for the compilation of the Agency’s first auditable financial statements which received an unqualified opinion. Before coming to Washington, D.C. he spent 20 years in Maryland government, serving in a series of senior management positions including CFO of the Maryland Department of Agriculture and culminating in his position as the Chief Deputy Treasurer of Maryland. Mark briefly served as a Deputy Treasurer for Baltimore County Public Schools and was responsible for the security and information technology functions of one of the largest school systems in the nation. He also served as a Deputy Treasurer for the District of Columbia responsible for banking and financial services.

Mr. Reger is a Certified Public Accountant licensed in Maryland. He has been a member of the Senior Executive Service since 1998 and graduated from the Federal Executive Institute in 1999. Mr. Reger was granted a Henry Toll Fellowship by the Council of State Governments in 1994 and is a 2005 graduate of the executive leadership program of Said Business School in Oxford, England.

Mark Reger
Interim Controller
Office of Management and Budget