Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Nancy McNamara

Federal Bureau of Investigation

On May 31, 2013, Director Mueller announced his appointment of Nancy McNamara as the Assistant Director (AD) of the Inspection Division. In this capacity, AD McNamara oversees the Office of Inspections, Internal Investigations, External Audit and Compliance, and Inspection Strategic Analysis Sections.

A 18-year veteran of the FBI, Nancy brings a successful record in criminal and national security investigative matters, both here in Headquarters and in the field.

Nancy entered on duty as a Special Agent in 1996 and was assigned to the New York Field Office to investigate public corruption cases. She became a Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) for the applicant program in 2002 and the public corruption/government fraud squad in the White Collar Crime Program in 2005. Later that year, she came to Headquarters as an Assistant Inspector in the Inspection Division, leading teams that reviewed and assessed investigative programs in field offices, Legats, and at Headquarters.

In 2007, Nancy was promoted to Assistant Special Agent in Charge in the Los Angeles Division responsible for the White Collar Program. She returned to Headquarters in 2009 as the Chief of the Public Corruption/Civil Rights Section to oversee public and international corruption and civil rights investigations.

Nancy served as the Special Agent in Charge of the Milwaukee Division in 2010. She returned to Headquarters in 2011 to assume the duties of the Deputy Assistant Director (DAD) in the Counterintelligence Division. She seved as DAD for both Branches of Operations and was responsible for a variety of programs including Espionage, Counterproliferation, and Clandestine Operations.

Nancy McNamara
Assistant Director of the Inspection Division
Federal Bureau of Investigation