Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Ralph Kahn

Tanium, Inc.

Ralph Kahn has more than 25 years’ experience in the
technology industry. He has held positions in systems
engineering, product management, professional
services, sales and business management. Mr. Kahn
has spent the last ten years working in the cybersecurity industry.

As the Vice President for Intel and Emerging technologies at McAfee, Mr.
Kahn was responsible for leading an advanced technology group chartered
with forward-looking cyber research. Under his direction, this group
discovered several new threat vectors and developed an information
sharing and cyber system interaction model that is being used at the core
of the McAfee products and is being extended to include other cyber
security products.

In his most recent assignment, Mr. Kahn is working as the Vice President
of Federal for Tanium. In this role, he is delivering on the U.S.
Government’s need for real-time situational awareness at scale.

Ralph Kahn
Vice President of Federal
Tanium, Inc.