Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Robert Anderson III

U.S. Marine Corps

Rob Anderson is Chief, Vision and Strategy Division, for HQMC/C4. Anderson is responsible for advising the primary and dedicated support staff to assist the director in developing, communicating, implementing, and assessing his vision and priorities for the Marine Corps Information Enterprise across all warfighting domains.

His leadership experience spans two decades and includes a number of progressively broader technical and program level positions in the US Marine Corps’s C4 community. He is an innovative problem-solver and trusted advisor to senior officials with a keen ability to assess complex enterprise-level IT initiatives and coordinate efforts across organizations.

He was the lead author of the Marine Corps Information Enterprise (MCIENT) strategy, the Marine Corps Private Cloud Computing Strategy, the Amphibious Communications Concept, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Mobility Concept, the Marine Corps Mobility Strategy, was the principle communications planner for Global Combat Support System – Marine Corps (GCSS-MC), and represented HQMC/C4 at the Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps Amphibious Capabilities Working Group. He is considered a subject matter expert in planning, designing, engineering and maintaining tactical communications networks and their integration into the enterprise.

Prior to his current assignment, Anderson served as:

  • Strategic Branch Head, Operations Officer, Marine Air Ground Task Force Action Officer, Headquarters Marine Corps C4 CS Division
  • Course Coordinator, Advanced Instructor Group, Communications School
  • Operations Officer, Marine Wing Communication Squadron (MWCS) 28
  • Commanding Officer Alpha Company, MWCS-28
  • Assistant Operations Officer, Marine Central Command G6 Bahrain
  • G6 C4I Systems Officer, Marine Forces Pacific
  • S6 Information Systems Management Officer, 3d Marine Regiment
  • Communications Officer, 1st Battalion, 12th Marine Regiment

Anderson retired from the Marine Corps as a Communications Officer in 2009 after serving over 25 years to include 5 combat tours: Operation Desert Storm Desert Shield, Operation Restore Hope, Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom I and III.

Robert Anderson III
HQMC C4/CV (Vision and Strategy Division)
U.S. Marine Corps