Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Thomas Rich

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Thomas Rich assumed his current position as the Director of the Computer Security Office (CSO) with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in August 2012. He serves as the agency’s Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), overseeing the planning and implementation of a comprehensive, integrated, and cost-effective cyber security program. Under Mr. Rich’s leadership, CSO sets the agency’s cyber security vision, and provides program leadership and oversight to counter the ever evolving threats to electronic information in accordance with applicable laws and directives.

Mr. Rich joined the NRC in 1986. During tenure with the agency, he has held positions of increasing responsibility in Program (technical) and Corporate Support Offices. More recent positions include: Acting Deputy Director, Office of Information Services (OIS), Director, Infrastructure and Computer Operations Division, (OIS) and Branch Chief, Quality Assurance and Technical Direction Branch, Business Process Improvement and Applications Division, OIS.

While serving as the Director, Infrastructure and Computer Operations Division, Mr. Rich lead the effort to select a contractor for NRC’s information technology infrastructure; implemented the agency’s Security Operations Center; deployed Microsoft Outlook in record time; directed the agency’s inaugural mobile device programs including agency issued BlackBerrys and personally owned smartphones (Bring Your Own Device); managed the Enterprise Architecture Program; established a technology assessment center; implemented innovative applications and solutions; and lead successful effort for the Y2K conversion effort.

Early in his career, Mr. Rich performed safety evaluations of devices containing radioactive materials, issued material licenses, developed rulemakings and guidance, performed inspections and performed Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) reviews of Agreement State Programs. He was selected by the Executive Director for Operations (EDO) – NRC’s Chief Operating Officer – to serve on the agency’s+ Incident Investigation Team (IIT). An IIT is executive level investigation team, the results of which get reported to congress. Mr. Rich served as the engineering and material subject matter expert on the ITT that determined the cause of a device failure that resulted in the death of a patient at the Indiana Regional Cancer Center. He was praised and recognized by the NRC Chairman, fellow Commissioners, and the EDO for his outstanding work.

Mr. Rich was appointed to the Senior Executive Service in 2006. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park, and a Masters in Mechanical Engineering from the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.

Thomas Rich
Computer Security Office
Nuclear Regulatory Commission