Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Todd Simpson

Department of Health and Human Services

Mr. Simpson serves as the newly appointed Chief Product Officer (CPO)/ Executive Director for the Office of Enterprise Application Development (OEAD) within the Office of the CIO in the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS). He was previously the Chief Information Officer (CIO) at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in Washington, DC. In this role, Mr. Simpson provided information technology services and support to approximately 20,000 federal personnel and contractors that comprise the FDA community throughout the continental United States and internationally.

Mr. Simpson has more than 27 years of information technology (IT) leadership and management experience from the private sector and in the federal government. He has managed at the executive level in the areas of strategic planning, organizational development and operational efficiency. Mr. Simpson is experienced in improving business processes, and managing complex, multi-disciplinary and time sensitive projects while achieving cost savings.

Mr. Simpson began his career in the United States Air Force serving 3 years active duty and 3 years active reserve.
Mr. Simpson worked in the IT field as a systems analyst, Senior Technical Advisor, IT Manager and CIO in the private sector for 18 years.
In 2010, Mr. Simpson began his federal government career as the CIO for the United States Department of Justice Criminal Division in Washington, D.C. As the CIO, he led the Information Technology and Litigation Support units which supported over 2,000 investigators. Under Mr. Simpson’s leadership, he reduced the annual IT and litigation support budgets by more than 50%, achieved a net annual savings of more than $3 million dollars from data center and server consolidation, and implemented a disaster recovery and continuity of operations solution which increased network and application availability by 22% and realized an annual cost savings of $3 million dollars.

In 2014, Mr. Simpson was appointed to the Senior Executive Service (SES) as the Associate Chief Information Officer at the U.S. Department of Transportation. His responsibilities included leading the IT Shared Services organization that supported 72,000 users, providing the vision, leadership and oversight in the development of the strategic direction of Transportation’s Common Operating Environment and Enterprise Architecture as well as IT policy and procedure planning, formulation and direction.

Mr. Simpson earned his Master of Science in Information Systems from Drexel University in Pennsylvania, and his Master of Public Administration and Bachelor of Science in Resource Management from Ohio State University.

Todd Simpson
Chief Product Officer / Executive Director for the Office of Enterprise Application Development
Office of the CIO
Department of Health and Human Services