Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Van Jones

Jones is a Yale-educated attorney and author of two New York Times best-selling books, “The Green Collar Economy” (2008) and “Rebuild the Dream” (2012). The second book chronicles his journey as an environmental and human rights activist to becoming a White House policy advisor. Famous for his heart-felt election night coverage, Jones showed up as “the voice of reason” for people in red states and blue throughout the volatile 2016 political season. Jones has founded and led numerous social enterprises engaged in social and environmental justice. These include:

  • The Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, which promotes criminal justice reform.
  • Color of Change, which works for racial fairness through its more than one million members.
  •  Rebuild The Dream, a 21st Century “think tank” that champions innovative solutions to fix the U.S. economy and uplift the next generation. which promotes innovative policy solutions.
  • The Dream Corps, an organization that brings people together to solve America’s toughest problems. The Dream Corps’ major initiatives are: #YesWeCode, aimed to help 100,000 young women and men from underrepresented backgrounds find success in the tech sector; #cut50, an initiative focused on making communities safer while reducing the number of people in our prisons and jails. And Green For All, which advances environmental solutions that prioritize families and workers living on the frontlines of some of the worst pollution in America. In response to much civil unrest and energy post election, Jones launched the #Love Army — a values based movement that is working for an America where everyone counts.
  • Magic Labs Media, founded by Jones and where he currently serves as its President.
Van Jones
CNN Political Contributor & Host of The Van Jones Show