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William Evanina

Office of the Director of National Intelligence

William R. Evanina is the Director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, an organization he has led since June 2, 2014. He serves as the head of Counterintelligence (CI) for the U.S. Government and as the principal CI and security advisor to the Director of National Intelligence.

As the Director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC), Mr. Evanina is responsible for leading and supporting the CI and security activities of the U.S. Intelligence Community, the U.S. Government, and U.S. private sector entities at risk from intelligence collection or attack by foreign adversaries. He oversees national-level programs and activities such as the National Insider Threat Task Force; personnel security and background investigations; continuous evaluation; information technology protection standards and compliance; CI cyber operations; supply chain risk management; threat awareness to sectors of the U.S. critical infrastructure; national-level damage assessments from espionage or unauthorized disclosures, CI mission management, and national CI and security training programs.

Under Mr. Evanina’s leadership, NCSC produces the President’s National Counterintelligence Strategy of the United States of America, which is instrumental in raising foreign intelligence threat awareness, and closing critical CI and security gaps in Executive Branch departments and agencies. The Strategy was enhanced by a highly-visible national outreach campaign “Know the Risk, Raise Your Shield,” raising public awareness of the threats posed by foreign intelligence services. Mr. Evanina chairs the National Counterintelligence Policy Board, and the Allied Security and CI Forum of senior CI and security leaders from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. His CI and security expertise is sought by the White House, Members of Congress, Executive Branch officials, private sector executives, and U.S. allies.

Prior to his selection as the Director of NCSC, Mr. Evanina served as the Chief of the Central Intelligence Agency’s Counterespionage Group where he led Intelligence Community agencies in identifying, preventing, and neutralizing espionage-related activities by foreign intelligence services. In 2013, Mr. Evanina was appointed to the Senior Executive Service.

William Evanina
Director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center
Office of the Director of National Intelligence