Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

“To cloud or not to cloud?” is a question of the past, but agencies still haven’t seen cloud’s full promise. In the race to Cloud First, some agencies did not address the multiplicity of factors that should contribute to cloud environment selection – volume, performance, governance, security, cost control, management tools, etc. Learn more about […]

The public sector’s uptake of technology is notoriously sluggish: Government agencies often lag years behind their private-sector counterparts in adopting new digital ways of working. However, now that citizens around the world engage with technology in all aspects of their daily lives, governments are facing increased pressure to overhaul outdated systems and accelerate their own […]

Technology in 2019 is advancing at full throttle, and Federal agencies are not exempt from having to keep pace. Signed into law by President Trump on December 20, 2018, the 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (IDEA) has placed new minimum requirements for basic functionality and security of Federal websites and digital services. […]

Data is the lifeblood of modern business, and companies that succeed in their digital transformations can achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. A recent article in The Economist noted that in today’s economy, “the world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data.”1 Data-centric companies operate more efficiently and outperform the competition. Enterprises that are […]

Today’s workforce is trading in their cubicles and corporate desktops in favor an any-location, any-device work style. And as the modern workforce continues to be fueled by the emergence of digital natives, their appetite for user-friendly, cloud-based services grows, the center of work is shifting to the cloud. But managing a proliferation of SaaS, web, […]

The growth of mobile technologies has made personalization and instant access to information fundamental customer experience expectations. But, according to Forrester’s 2018 CX Index, 80 percent of Federal agencies’ customer service falls between the range of “mostly poor” and “very poor.” How can agencies provide effortless, connected, and proactive services to drive mission success and exceptional citizen experiences? […]

Cloud migration is an obvious path for most businesses today, but that was not entirely the case five years ago. In the wake of a fresh batch of Federal regulations, many agencies scrambled to close data centers and struggled to better understand how to integrate cloud computing into their business models. […]

For a growing number of public and private sector organizations, cloud is the future – a game-changer for mitigating risk, enhancing effectiveness, and initiating new capabilities. To learn more about ongoing progress and challenges associated with cloud adoption, Government Business Council and Salesforce launched an in-depth research study in May 2017. […]

An increased desire for rapid and scalable capability delivery has shifted focus to Cloud as an enabler of effective application development and deployment. The integration of Agile into a Cloud Native application life cycle process may not consistently allow an organization to more rapidly and reliably develop and scale applications. Product alignment concerns, and a lack of collaboration between operations and development teams, are often the primary culprits in today’s increasingly complex Agency environments. […]

Wyoming is the state of many firsts – and now it is the first state to Go Google. The state improved its mobility and collaboration by putting 10,000 employees on Google Apps, which saves the state $1 million a year. […]

Years ago, Orlando, Fla. was faced with an aging email system that was no longer maintained by the vendor, and the in-house efforts to maintain the system were becoming cumbersome and costly. As Orlanda began looking at alternatives, the city selected Google Apps and Google Positini Services, which offered new features and cost savings. […]

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) legacy email and calendar system were getting in the way of dispersing information internally, and more importantly, to citizens. To remedy this issue, NOAA partnered with Google to implement a reliable and scalable cloud solution. […]

NetApp City of Melrose video highlighting virtualized infrastructure and virtualized desktop environment in government case study. […]

ViON Agile Cloud Solutions reflect our deep commitment to our customers and helping them solve their business challenges. We provide scalable, customized solutions that leverage our years of experience and strong relationships. We can apply a wide range of solutions that we source and integrate from a broad partner portfolio. […]