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Cloud Computing Caucus Advisory Group Perspective – Cloud State of Play

The Federal cloud market is quickly evolving as government accelerates cloud adoption and puts policy and guidance in place to drive IT modernization. Will the recent FITARA guidance from OMB further escalate the pace of adoption? What measurements are in place to help agencies show the qualitative RoI on cloud investments? What new technologies are coming in the near future to advance cloud implementation? Join this session featuring industry leaders as they examine the changing state of cloud investment, security, and adoption across the federal government.

Session Speakers

David Hantman [moderator]
General Manager
Vice President, Global Practices
U.S. Public Sector, Enterprise Services
Hewlett-Packard Company
Technical Director
Public Sector
Event Details
Knight Conference Center at the Newseum
555 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C.
CPE Credits
Brainstorm attendees are eligible to receive continuing professional education (CPE) credits. Please contact with questions.
For more information on event details, please contact us at (703) 883-9000 ext. 117 or