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Cyber Resiliency: Protecting Critical Infrastructure

The security of our nation’s critical infrastructure is driving much of today’s cyber dialogue. It goes well beyond the fear of not having a charged cell phone, to more serious concerns over national security and healthcare system fails – not to mention the significant economic impacts. How ready are agencies to mitigate and respond to cyber vulnerabilities in the nation’s critical infrastructure? What role are the Cyber EO, the revised NIST framework, and other cyber initiatives playing in shoring up cyber security concerns in the CI community?

Session Speakers

Chris Jensen [moderator]
Federal Business Development Manager
Associate Deputy Chief Information Officer for Cybersecurity
Department of Energy
Director, Cyberspace Mission Assurance and Deterrence
Department of Defense
Chief Information Security Officer
Transportation Security Administration
Senior Advisor
National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC)
Department of Homeland Security