From the Inside-Out – Mitigating the Threat Within
As agencies see changes in cyber monitoring and reporting approaches, challenges still remain to mitigating insider threats – both malicious and unintentional. With minimum standards for insider threat programs part of recent mandates, and new guidance and a government-wide program expected to deploy over the coming months, the balance between security and access is tough to find. “Need to know” vs. “Need to share” is a continued debated in Intel, civilian, and DoD circles.
- What tools are in place to allow agencies to proactively identify potential insider threats?
- What types of employee behaviors or deviations are agencies looking for that may signal a threat?
- How can agencies incorporate big data analytics to recognize behavior signaling a potential insider security risk?
- How will updated guidance on Executive Order 13587 be helpful?
- Does the broader surveillance debate impact agencies ability to mitigate these threats?
Session Speakers

Defense Capabilities and Management
U.S. Government Accountability Office

Chief Counterintelligence Expert
CERT Insider Threat Center, Software Engineering Institute
Carnegie Mellon University