Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Sexier than Cyber?

Cybersecurity is still a sexy topic. Just ask Ashley Madison.

Federal agencies have an intimate knowledge of cyber threats, too. That’s why MeriTalk is bringing the best minds together for the Fourth Annual Cyber Security Brainstorm. We’re all just friends.

I guess sites like and eHarmony just don’t cut it in anymore. Does even stand a chance? What happened to romance? We’re not sure about the fate of standard dating sites, but we do know that standard approaches to cybersecurity don’t cut it anymore.

With the increasing number of threats, agencies are looking for new ways to use information to improve cybersecurity.

How You Doin’?
At the Cyber Security Brainstorm we’re going to introduce smart people from the private sector to smart people from the Federal government. There’s no reason this shouldn’t work out! Why?

We expect sparks to fly because they share the same interests.

Government and partners across industry and academia are looking to improve collective cyber intelligence and how they use that information to deter cyber attacks and defend against cyber threats.

Let’s Talk
After Allison Tsiumis, section chief, cyber intelligence section, at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, delivers the morning keynote we’ll have a session on using data-driven intelligence to improve the security of networks, systems, and devices.

Emery Csulak, Chief Information Security Officer/Senior Privacy Official, Information Security and Privacy Group (ISPG) at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, will be joined by experts from DHS and DISA for a discussion on how to spot gaps in security.

Steven McIntosh, Insider Threat Program Coordinator at the Defense Intelligence Agency, will be joined by experts from the State Department and the CERT Insider Threat Center, Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, to discuss mitigating insider threats.

Ron Ross, Information Technology Laboratory, Computer Security Division at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, will moderate a discussion on evading hackers.

If that wasn’t enough, the Father of the Internet will deliver the afternoon keynote address to close out the Cyber Security Brainstorm and kick off the NIST Cloud Security Working Group session.

Vint Cerf helped develop TCP/IP protocols and the basic architecture of the Internet in 1973 – when he was a government employee – and in 1983 he helped turn the Internet on. Since then Internet use has grown to 3.1 billion, and it’s expected to grow to 3.6 billion in just three years as developing nations go online.

Retired NSA Deputy Director Chris Inglis will deliver remarks during the NIST Cloud Security Working Group.

Get the full lineup of all the speakers here and register here before it’s too late.

And let us know – if you could ask the Father of the Internet one question, what would it be?


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Bill Glanz is the content director for MeriTalk and its Exchange communities. In the past 14 years, he has worked as a business reporter, press secretary, and media relations director in Washington, D.C.