Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
AI is Out There
AI is Out There

Between February’s executive order (EO) and March’s launch of, the administration has made it clear – artificial intelligence (AI) is not a concept of the far-off future, but something that’s happening in Federal agencies, state and local governments, and higher education institutions today.

But do IT managers see it the same way? What importance are they placing on AI? Are they doing enough to prepare from a data, leadership, and investment perspective? What potential do they see to use AI to solve real-world challenges and meet mission needs – and where is this already happening today?

To find out, MeriTalk surveyed 300 Federal, state, local, and higher education IT managers to explore where they think their agencies are with AI as a broader concept.

Download the report “AI is Out There: Early Adoption in Federal, State, Local, and Higher Education Organizations” to learn more.

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