Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
Destination Cloud: The Federal and SLED Cloud Journey

Cloud adopters are stepping on the gas – from police stations and state colleges to our nation’s capital. But how do these agencies and institutions determine the best route? And, which applications do they take along for the ride?

MeriTalk asked Federal, state and local, and higher education cloud adopters about their cloud strategies. We found that 55 percent of cloud adopters are evaluating cloud solutions as part of their overall IT strategy and the remaining 45 percent are evaluating cloud solutions for a limited number of specific applications.

But at the same time, cloud adopters aren’t ready to go on cruise control – 61 percent report their agency or institution has privacy and security concerns. How are cloud adopters avoiding security roadblocks and fueling up for the future?

Download the “Destination Cloud: The Federal and SLED Cloud Journey,” report to discover:

  • How cloud adopters are prioritizing their goals
  • Pros and cons of public versus private cloud
  • Steps agencies and institutions are taking to prepare for their cloud migration

Check out a recording of our recent webinar to learn more about how you can prep your passengers for the transition.

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