Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
Securing Telework
Government 2020: Modernizing and Securing Remote Work

Federal, State, and Local government IT leaders are quickly scaling work from home support to unprecedented levels, despite many organizations lacking needed infrastructure and security controls for a perimeterless work environment. So, how are agencies adapting to the changing environment to meet the needs of the immediate crisis? Equally important, what is the opportunity to take lessons learned and empower employees, partners, and contractors to connect securely and stay productive over the longer term?

MeriTalk partnered with Okta to address key public sector challenges and best practices for empowering and securing the remote workforce. We will review:

  • Security: The impact of the rapidly scaling agency remote workforces
  • Access: How agencies can deliver access to needed resources (on-prem and in the cloud) and keep the environment secure through VPN enhancements and alternatives
  • Collaboration: What’s needed to improve agency collaboration across shared resources

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