Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
Federal Records and Information Management: Ready to Rumble?

The volume of data and records that Federal agencies must manage is exploding – and will only continue to grow, as costs also skyrocket. Meanwhile the first deadlines for the Presidential Directive on Managing Government Records are looming.

Are agencies making progress? How many will meet the Directive deadlines? Do records managers feel they have adequate direction and support – from agency senior management and the National Archives and Records Administration – to get the job done? Or are they swimming in a sea of confusion?

MeriTalk surveyed 100 Federal government records and information management professionals to address these questions.

Download “Federal Records and Information Management: Ready to Rumble?” to find out:

  • How prepared agencies are to manage the growing volume, velocity, and variety of Federal records
  • If Feds believe the Presidential Directive will improve records management
  • How agencies are tracking against the Directive deadlines
  • Requirements for success

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