Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Tea with Tony?

Not sure if he’s a coffee or tea drinker, but I do know Tony Scott’s joining us for breakfast this Wednesday at the Cloud Computing Brainstorm at the Newseum. The Federal CIO will set the table for the half-day cloud chow down with his morning keynote address.

If you’ve got an appetite for cloud, Wednesday’s Brainstorm’s a tapas feast – nine tasty tongue tempters and untethered by 2:00 p.m. to trounce the traffic. With 600 govies registered, you’d better arrive early to get a seat at the table.

Here’s the menu:

1st Course(s) – your pick. It’s FedRAMP Fast Forward for industry. Working session on how to increase FedRAMP efficiency. Or, for the govies, join us for the Data Center Exchange FITARA implementation planning breakfast with Ben Rhodeside, tech lead from Congressman Connolly’s office, and Ben Sweezy from OMB.

2nd Course – Yours truly – preview of the new Gov Cloud Shopper functionality

3rd Course – Tony Scott. What’s new in Federal cloud – with a side of FITARA implementation planning

4th Course – Building the Cloud Business Model: ITA/Commerce, EPA, FCC, and USDA

5th Course – Trusting the Cloud: GSA, NIST, and Air Force

6th Course – Hybrid Future: Army, IRS, and ITC

7th Course – Anil Karmel from C2 Labs and the NIST Cloud Security Working Group

8th Course – Cloud Computing Caucus Advisory Group – industry perspectives

Dessert – NIST Cloud Security Working Group meeting – featuring a keynote from Jim Reavis from the Cloud Security Alliance

We’re embracing a progressive theme for the party – the Cloud Caucus Don’t Be a Box Hugger report provides our backdrop. MeriTalk’s also releasing new research on DoD’s Cloud Deployment plans.

Breakfast with Tony Scott and all of Uncle Sam’s best cloud chefs. Make your reservation now. See you Wednesday – I’d arrive hungry and early.

Steve O'Keeffe
About Steve O'Keeffe
The most connected executive in the government technology community – O'Keeffe is an accomplished entrepreneur and tech-policy expert, with 30 years’ experience as an innovator at the crossroads of government and industry. He founded MeriTalk, O'Keeffe & Company, 300Brand, among other entities. O'Keeffe is a fixture on the Hill, in both the House and Senate, testifying on IT, budget, government workforce, and the requirement to modernize government IT to enhance outcomes for the American people and government employees. He is a champion for change, simplification, transparency, and clear communication of IT value without jargon. A committed philanthropist, O'Keeffe has served for 15 years on the USO-Metro Board of Directors – Vice Chairman of the Board and Chair of the Annual Awards Dinner. He started his career as a journalist – O'Keeffe has contributed to The Economist, Government Executive, Signal Magazine, The Washington Post, and, of course, MeriTalk.