The Best Things We Build Are Built to Last

We’ve spent the last several months in a bit of a surreal version of normal but there is light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. When we emerge from the current environment, the reality is that we will be better off from a security perspective than we were when we went in. The additional need to increase the capacity of access of cloud-based apps, VPN or “other” have required us to think a lot harder about the security that comes along with this extra access to the point where “building it in” makes a lot more sense than “bolting it on.”
Basic security hygiene items like DNS security and multi-factor authentication(MFA) can be the first, and best line of defense for any access environment which certainly includes an extreme telework scenario. The good news is that the protections don’t stop when our access environments return to “normal.” Since these security capabilities are part of a Zero Trust lifestyle, we get to carry these protections forward as they now have become our best practices.
We were gonna get there eventually, but we were forced to step on the gas
Some of the biggest challenges some Federal agencies have faced, beyond the capacity issue, is trying to figure out how to marry the legacy technologies we have kept running by sheer will, with the more cloud and mobile-focused innovative technologies that make the most sense for a more remote deployment. Agencies have been moving in this direction for years but the “extreme telework scenario” has accelerated this, to the point of making it uncomfortable and sometimes painful. One example of this is the legacy government agency authentication and user authorization. We’ve spent the past decade building out the “I” in PKI (public key infrastructure) and this works fairly well in our old world (users sitting in offices accessing applications from a desktop with a smartcard reader), it doesn’t work so well in this new normal. The good news is that there is a compromise to be made. A way to leverage the existing investments and make them work in a more innovative world.
Duo has been focused on being a security enabler for agencies as they make their journey to a cloud and mobile world, but we also realize that there has been lots of work and resources invested in the smartcard infrastructure that has powered our identity, credentialing, and access management (ICAM) systems. We have partnered with experts in this arena, folks like CyberArmed, to leverage that investment and to leverage the strong identity proofing that solutions like this provide.
CyberArmed’s Duo Derived Solution
NIST has shown us the way
When NIST, smartly, separated the LOA structure of 800-63 into proofing (IAL) and authentication (AAL), they provided guidance to allow agencies the flexibility to deploy the right tools for the right job and also allowed those agencies to apply a risk based, Zero Trust approach to secure access. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) followed suit and aligned their updated ICAM guidance (M-19-17) to provide agencies with the flexibility to make risk based deployment decisions. This flexibility helps agencies to be more agile in support of whatever might be thrown at them, while still providing strong, consistent identity security. This identity focus is exactly what we need as we make our cloud journeys.
Now that we’re getting back to a small amount of normal, we need to take stock in the things we’ve been able to accomplish and the investments we’ve made to shore up our security and prepare us for the accelerated cloud & mobile journey. The things we’ve done will not be in vain.