Track 1
Resilient Critical Infrastructure Systems
Protecting the infrastructure critical to our nation’s physical and economic security, and the country’s public health and safety is paramount in today’s uncertain pandemic times. The cyber systems and IT assets that keep those infrastructures running are prime targets of threat actors at many levels. During this one-on-one discussion, we’ll discuss advances in strengthening and maintaining secure and resilient critical infrastructure.

Unmask the Adversary - Lead the Fight Against Ransomware
Ransomware has rocketed to the top of the Biden Administration’s agenda as cyberattacks launched from the soil of U.S. adversaries continue to disrupt the business of government and impact the American public. How are cyber leaders across government combatting these attacks? This session will discuss the importance of developing new protocols and forging new policies to address this national security priority.

Deputy Chief Information Officer for Cybersecurity and Operations
Central Intelligence Agency