Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Want to Write for MeriTalk? Check Out The Writers Guidelines

Writers Guidelines

MeriTalk is a property of 300Brand and provides a platform for news, information and thought leadership designed to improve the outcomes of government IT.

MeriTalk welcomes new, independent voices to help improve the dialogue between the public sector and industry, enhance collaboration and facilitate sharing of best practices to address the most pressing issues in government technology and policy.

Our audience ranges from senior government technology officials, policymakers and agency program managers to industry subject matter experts.

A successful guest contribution typically runs 750 words or less on a topic about which the author is qualified to speak. Guest columns should make a clear, fair and powerful argument and offer potential solutions to problems. Fresh perspectives and insights, new approaches to vexing challenges and ideas that ignite respectful debate are preferred.

Topics pitched should be timely and relevant to current news events. Likewise, submissions should cover at least one of MeriTalk’s five major Exchange areas: Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, Big Data, Data Center or Mobile Work.

By submitting a guest column to MeriTalk, you agree that:

  • Your submission is original and hasn’t been published elsewhere.
  • All submissions are subject to editing and review prior to publication.
  • Unless expressly commissioned by MeriTalk, guest columnists are not entitled to monetary compensation for their work.
  • Upon publication, their articles become the copyrighted property of MeriTalk, its parent, 300Brand and its affiliated properties, in accordance with common copyright rules.

If you would like to write for MeriTalk, submit your column ideas to Executive Editor, Dan Verton, at