Big Data Exchange

A vertical community of Federal big data leaders, project managers, industry, and government IT community stakeholders focused on public-private collaboration and best-practice exchange.

Feds Leveraging Data to Modernize Government Business Practices

Feds are “growing good in government” this new fiscal year by partnering with industry and academia to build the feedback loops of the future. […]

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OMB Pushing on Data Strategy Despite Lacking Action Plan Updates

A top official from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) said today that the Federal government is currently on track in the second phase of the Federal Data Strategy OMB released in 2020. […]

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New & Next: Put Data to Work for Mission Success

Data is growing exponentially. Data is also everywhere – edge, core, and cloud. Most importantly, effective data capture, security, management, and analysis are critical to agency missions. Federal agencies must be able to keep pace with growing data volumes and leverage emerging technologies to create data-driven insights that support mission objectives. […]

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Federal Officials Discuss Data Checklist, Recruiting Tips

Federal agency officials talked about the art and science of data management and related workforce recruiting at FCW’s IT Modernization Summit on October 5. […]

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Sen. Wyden Raises Concerns Over Government Data Collection

Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., sent a letter on Sept. 21 to the inspector generals of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Department of Defense (DoD), and Department of Justice (DOJ), requesting that they investigate the alleged warrantless data gathering of American citizens’ online search histories. […]

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Upcoming Events
Innovation Intersection 2024

Join MeriTalk as we recognize our 2024 Cyber Defender and AI Honors Award winners at a joint ceremony on October 3 at the amazing Planet Word in downtown D.C. Hear from those leading the charge to develop cutting-edge cyber and AI solutions, and celebrate and connect with cyber and AI trailblazers at Innovation Intersection. […]


At the 2024 Rubrik Public Sector Virtual Summit, learn how to secure critical data, recover from cyberattacks, and build a culture of cyber resilience to ensure mission continuity for the Federal government and state, local, and education sectors. […]


AI is Out There Infographic

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not a concept of the far-off future – it is something that’s happening in Federal agencies, state and local governments, and higher education institutions today. […]

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The Power of AI

Between February’s AI Executive Order, the creation of the Select Committee on AI, the launch of, and a proposed $850 million toward AI research and development in the White House’s FY2020 budget, it’s clear the Federal government sees power and potential in adopting artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. […]

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AI and the Infrastructure Gap

After the AI executive order, DoD AI strategy, and recently passed OPEN Government Data Act, all signs point to real opportunity to liberate the potential of AI and other emerging technology. But, traditional environments (where agencies spend 80% of their budget) are not designed to meet data storage, management, and security needs at the scale required to support these technologies. How can agencies overcome this technical debt? […]

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Past Events
Tech Tonic September 2024

Catch Tech Tonic Fed CIO Study Results Join us to get bowled over by Congressman Gerry Connolly and Fed CIOs as we release new research on Fed CIO priorities for the year ahead at MeriTalk Tech Tonic on September 19 at Morton’s The Steakhouse in Washington, D.C. Here’s your chance to hear from Fed IT […]

MeriTalk Tech Tonic - July 2024

Break out your Hawaiian shirts and join us for a beach party on July 18 at Mortons The Steakhouse on Connecticut Ave. in Washington, D.C., as we highlight AI, honor cyber champions, and toast to gov’t IT success. […]

Workday Federal Forum

Join your HR peers from across Federal agencies to network and glean insights from industry experts during this half-day event. You’ll learn actionable strategies for supporting talent decisions to build an unstoppable workforce that drives results for all Americans. […]


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