After multiple delays of the Department of Veterans Affairs Electronic Health Record Modernization program, a critical part of the project is set to “go live” later this month, VA officials told members of Congress on Sept. 30. […]
Federal legislation to help strengthen the cybersecurity of state and local governments through a Department of Homeland Security grant program passed the House of Representatives on Sept. 30 – with impetus for the legislation coming from across the U.S. in the form of numerous ransomware and other attacks in recent years. […]
The interim rule for the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification was posted in the Federal Register on Sept. 29, opening a public comment period for the amended regulation, which is scheduled to become effective November 30. […]
U.S. Cyber Command has a new Senior Enlisted Leader, who is responsible for advising leadership on military workforce issues and advocating on behalf of military personnel. […]
The eight members of Congress that comprised the Future of Defense Task Force signed off on the group’s bipartisan work, which was months in the making and recommended several items pertaining to artificial intelligence, cyber, and the technology workforce. […]
Officials from the United States and the United Kingdom have signed a declaration to establish a government-to-government dialogue on artificial intelligence and further cooperation in AI research and development. […]
The Department of Defense (DoD) has had an ongoing problem – the cybersecurity of its defense industrial base contractors. An interim rule scheduled to be published in the Federal Register tomorrow is the department’s next step in addressing that problem. […]
The 2020 decennial census is breaking new ground in several ways – it is the first census to be conducted primarily online, and it has been supported by the cloud. Alongside those advancements, a Census Bureau official explained last week that the 2020 census will mark the first major implementation of a new privacy regime. […]
Rep. Lauren Underwood, D-Ill., became the chair today of the House Committee on Homeland Security’s Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Innovation, one of the chamber’s primary panels with jurisdiction over cybersecurity issues. […]
Data from a Federal agency has been stolen in a cyber theft, according to an analysis report released Sept. 24 by the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. The specific agency, timeframe of the intrusion, and thief are not identified in the report. […]