Stop us if you’ve heard this one before…prioritizing compliance based security leaves gaps in your network, but prioritizing effective protection can often leave you short of compliance goals. How do agencies strike the balance? Is government moving effectively towards predictive security approaches that can improve both compliance and defense? […]

The cyber landscape evolves daily and the bad guys often move faster than the good. To keep our data, systems, and enterprises secure, cyber security executives must wrangle many moving parts – training, governance, budgets, and innovation. How will agencies deal with increased cyber security budgets – will more money help? […]

You can’t secure what you don’t know – especially when it comes to IT assets across government agencies. Shadow IT has been called out by the White House as the missing link to federal cyber security – from shadow development to rogue access points, personal devices, unauthorized commercial applications, or forgotten servers. […]

As cyber threats become increasingly sophisticated and persistent, agencies must look at security at every level of the IT stack. While there is no such thing as an impenetrable defense, the private sector has displayed some impressive capabilities to better protect, deter, and prevent cyber attacks. What critical infrastructure services are needed to ensure successful “defense-in-depth” cyber security operations? […]

There are a whole host of innovative tools and policies to consider for minimizing malicious cyber activity. Still, their contributions, while used discretely, are linear and therefore fall short of need. What are the innovative ideas to consider that use new strategies, partnerships, and tools? Where are they needed the most? How can the public and private sectors collaborate and coordinate their efforts in innovative ways? […]