Limited Attendance: Government Only
Agencies are working to match the right workload to the right cloud, and most recognize one cloud does not fit all. As we optimize our data centers, improve agility, and pave the way for emerging technology, how are multi-cloud environments letting agencies leapfrog past modernization roadblocks? What do agencies need to […]

Agencies are looking to shared services for potential cost savings and operational efficiencies. New requirements brought on by the cyber security executive order, Modernizing Government Technology Act, and other initiatives, are driving agencies to take a hard look at their approaches to IT modernization and put shared services at center stage. […]

Advances with machine learning, artificial intelligence, and big data analytics have put the Internet of Everything (IoE) in the forefront of the government IT conversation. As cloud-based infrastructures take center stage, so does the possibilities of the innovation they power. […]

New technology is transforming government service delivery – for both the constituent and the employee. Offering the flexibility, mobility, and scalability to power a modern workplace, the cloud continues to drive modernization forward across the government. But integrating these innovative solutions remains an ongoing challenge — even for the most agile agencies — as they […]

Accelerating cloud adoption is essential to effective implementation of “smarter everything” technologies – from IoT and AI to machine learning and virtualized data centers and storage. Cloud platforms are critical to harnessing the power – and innovation – of these emerging technologies to meet today’s modernization requirements. […]

When it comes to defining IT innovation in the government workplace there is no guidebook, no set of standards, no “how-to” instructions. Success in the cloud era is only one part technology – the rest depends on leadership, engagement, planning, outcomes, shifts in thinking, and collaboration. […]