Keynote speaker, Kate Swanborg, SVP of Technology Communications and Strategic Alliances at DreamWorks Animation, will share a behind-the-scenes overview of the studio’s production process and elaborate on how the studio uses NetApp’s data management solutions and strategy to support growing business ambitions. […]

Join this 25-minute power session for an inside look at how government agencies are applying their data to deliver impactful results for their IT modernization agendas. […]

Join this Snapshot briefing to gain insights into how today’s data thrivers are collaborating with agencies to reach their digital transformation goals. […]

Embracing cloud is critical to government’s ability to manage and analyze ever-growing data sets across agencies. Holistic approaches are quickly gaining favor as agencies work to ensure their data supports policy and mission decisions. Get the innovative inside scoop from some of today’s best data visionaries on what government organizations can and are doing to […]

*Program subject to change