Agencies’ data is often their most strategic asset, but data volume and complexity can make it difficult to mine the benefits. Join this kick off session where we explore how agencies can take back control of their data, the role of the Federal Data strategy, and the impact of the Evidence-Based Policymaking Act. […]

Agencies’ data is often their most strategic asset, but data volume and complexity can make it difficult to mine the benefits. Join this kick off session where we explore how agencies can take back control of their data, the role of the Federal Data strategy, and the impact of the Evidence-Based Policymaking Act. […]

It’s time to unlock your data potential – but where do you start? As agencies tackle the unprotected, unregulated, and unused data overwhelming their people and systems, they need a holistic data management approach that helps them ensure their critical data supports policy and mission decisions. Get the inside scoop from one of today’s leading data visionaries on how government organizations are leveraging data to meet mission requirements. […]

The Federal Data Strategy is driving heightened awareness of the strategic value of agency data and the critical need to regain control of that data. This is no easy feat as data volumes balloon and privacy requirements expand, while at the same time agencies must focus on reskilling a data literate workforce and integrating next-gen technologies that are highly dependent on good data. Join this interactive session to hear from the leaders driving data strategy implementation and innovation as the data revolution advances. […]

Data is at the heart of everything we do. From combating ransomware to addressing data regulations to ensuring proper storage and management – dealing with these challenges is incredibly difficult. Don’t miss this informative session as Veritas details how organizations can extract complexity from data to ensure availability, protect assets, and gain insights. […]

The only way to control data is to understand what you have. Yet 52 percent of enterprise data is “dark” – meaning that organizations don’t know what it is or if it has value. Hear from today’s leading data management leaders as they shed light on the best strategies and tactics for gaining comprehensive understanding of your data environment – across geographies, data centers, and the cloud – so you can make informed decisions for mission success. […]