Acronyms abound with a seemingly endless stream of Federal IT regulations and guidelines related to cloud and cyber security. Trying to make sense of the madness? On March 8, at “Cyber Convergence: Security, the Cloud and Your Data,” Federal visionaries will crack the code on some of the most critical developments in government’s IT agenda–from cloud-based application security to MGT, FITARA, and more.
Keynote remarks will be given by William Evanina, Director, National Counterintelligence and Security Center, Office of the Director of National Intelligence and Greg Smithberger, Director of Capabilities, National Security Agency. Evanina and Smithberger will share the unique perspective of the intelligence community on what steps must to be taken to protect Federal networks and data from potential breaches.
Additional Federal leaders who will share their expertise on next-generation technologies include: Sonny Bhagowalia, Senior Advisor on Technology and Cybersecurity, Commissioner’s Office, Bureau of Fiscal Services, Department of the Treasury; Greg Capella, Deputy Director, National Technical Information Service, Commerce; George Chambers, Executive Director, Office of Enterprise Application Development and Information Technology Infrastructure and Operations, HHS; Jonathan Feibus, Chief Information Security Officer, NRC, and Dr. Michael Valivullah, Chief Technology Officer, National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA.
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