The U.S. Navy said it increased General Dynamics Information Technology’s (GDIT) contract ceiling from $177 million to $270.2 million for the Personnel Modernization (PERSMOD) contract. The PERSMOD contract supports the Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS), which is the main human resource system for the Navy. According to GDIT’s press release, NSIPS performs personnel management, pay and entitlement transactions, and leave for more than $34 billion worth of the Navy’s annual personnel budget. With the contract expansion, the Navy will “leverage GDIT’s solutions and alliance partnerships to help drive down sustainment costs through the accelerated consolidation, migration and de-customization of legacy systems,” according to the release. Under the contract expansion, GDIT will receive an immediate award of $93.2 million and the Navy could award two additional pre-approved six-month increases. If the additional increases are awarded, the contract will be extended by one year and $95.7 million.