Pokémon Go might be the latest fad, but as the school year draws near, many are wondering if the game can be beneficial to students. With the rise of games in the classroom, it seems like a no-brainer to bring Pokémon Go into the classroom. But how can teachers do it? Here are four ways Pokémon Go has been beneficial for teachers, students, and schools.
- It’s brought augmented reality (AR) to the forefront. Augmented reality has the possibility to radically change the classroom. Learning about Ancient Rome? Forget looking at artist renderings in a textbook; just take a virtual field trip. Pokémon Go has brought AR into the mainstream and shown its capabilities and the ability to put the technology to use on a large scale.
- Teachers can engage students with data. In the game, players are exposed to mountains of data, from how many Pokémon they’ve caught, to where to catch Pokémon, to whether their Pokémon have evolved. K-12 teachers can turn this data into an engaging lesson on statistics, or on a basic level, how to accurately capture and record data.
- Creative writing prompts galore. As students spend their free time trying to catch ’em all, English/Language Arts teachers can use students’ exploration and quests to their advantage. Using their Pokémon hunts and battles as writing prompts, teachers can engage students with the written word. Since Pokémon Go already takes place in a fantastical, magical setting, it is well suited to sparking a student’s imagination.
- Students can explore the world around them. Pokémon Go offers teachers the opportunity to teach students about the world around them. One major benefit of Pokémon Go is that it requires players to get up and go. They have to walk, explore, and move around to capture and hatch their Pokémon. Teachers can use this to discuss weather patterns, season changes, or even discuss the city or state they live in. Exploring a student’s community can springboard into discussions of climate change or even local history.
Sure, teachers won’t want students playing Pokémon Go in the classroom, but if teachers ignore it entirely they will miss out on valuable teaching opportunities.
Any learning suggestions you would add? Let us know in the comments?
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