As hard as it is to believe, summer is starting to wind down. Teachers are busy setting up their classrooms, hanging posters and assigning seats. While lesson plans are still being designed, we wanted to share some free, online resources for K-12 teachers.
TED Talks – No matter the topic, TED Talks has a relevant video, from algebra and poetry to learning how to handle bullying and racism. With videos easily sorted by category, teachers can easily find the appropriate video for their students. We’ve already pulled together the top Talks for K-12 students, parents, teachers, and school administrators. New TED Talks are constantly being added, so be sure to check back frequently throughout the school year.
SMART Exchange – Using SMART boards in your classroom? SMART Exchange has you covered with ready-made lessons or inspiration from other teachers who’ve taught the same material using interactive whiteboards. Custom-designed searches save time by delivering relevant results and a full visual preview of all SMART Notebook files, so teachers can easily evaluate a lesson before downloading it. While registration is required, it’s completely free.
Share My Lesson – Teachers are helping teachers with Share My Lesson. The website enables teachers to share their lesson plans with other teachers. Website users are encouraged to rate the lesson plans so the best lesson plans are easy to find.
Kahoot! – Want to get kids engaged in a lesson? Turn it into a game. Games are playing an increasingly larger role in the classroom, and Kahoot! let’s you design your own games, play them as a class, and tap into games designed by educators. Plus, it’s free and Kahoot founders promise it will remain free. – According to’s website, is a non-profit dedicated to expanding access to computer science, and increasing participation by women and underrepresented students of color. Its vision is that every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn computer science. uses games and familiar characters such as Angry Birds and Star Wars to teach students the basics of coding. The program is free and is targeted primarily to elementary age students.
Are there any resources you would add to the list? Let us know in the comments.