One of the underlining issues that many in government and the private sector will face when it comes to establishing AI regulations and frameworks is to make notice and privacy standards more understandable, according to experts in the AI field.
During a panel event hosted by ATARC on July 11 titled “AI Bill of Rights Framework: Notice and Privacy,” various experts including Ken Farber, solutions architect at TekSynap, gave their thoughts on some of the issues when it comes to understanding the “fine print.”
“It’s very difficult to set standards for understandability. And we’re going to run into the exact same problem with any kind of notice requirement on AI, and also, I think pointless, because every single piece of technology you touch is going to have AI,” said Farber.
One of the solutions to overcome this complexity that was highlighted during the panel discussion was to give users of AI tools and programs a little bit of information that is more digestible.
Britta Hale, assistant professor at the Naval Postgraduate School’s Computer Science Department, talked about the importance of making notices smaller, which can then embed a sense of trust in government.
“Having that little bit of information actually helps build trust in the system. And not just trusting the system, but in how the government is using that data. We have a wider responsibility for what we envision society coming to encourage trust among each other,” said Hale.
The discussion comes as government agencies and industry begin to articulate and implement the Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights put out by the White House last year.
Part of the blueprint revolves around providing notice and an explanation to users when an AI tool is being used.
“Designers, developers, and deployers of automated systems should provide generally accessible plain language documentation including clear descriptions of the overall system functioning and the role automation plays, notice that such systems are in use, the individual or organization responsible for the system, and explanations of outcomes that are clear, timely, and accessible,” the blueprint says.